Table of ContentsWhat's in the Book?Who Am I?

Who Are You?

In this book I make the assumption that you're already familiar with Java, or at least another object-oriented programming language. You don't need to be an expert, but you do need to know the basics. The book requires an understanding of rudimentary mathematics; however, the toughest level you get to is simple trigonometry, and even then I explain what I'm doing in a fair bit of detail. I also make the assumption that you're familiar with basic PC operations and can take care of environmental details such as downloading and installing software.

J2ME game development is one of those areas of game programming that (at least at present) offers real opportunities for you to profit from the games you make. I make the assumption that you're also a bit of an entrepreneur and you will want to profit from your development.

Other than that, learning J2ME game programming requires a desire to make fun games. You need to be creative, inventive, and persistentbut most of all, you'll learn to appreciate what you have and make the best of it.

    Table of ContentsWhat's in the Book?Who Am I?