Table of ContentsChapter 4.            The Development EnvironmentInstalling the Software

Getting the Tools

To get started, you need some tools. Table 4.1 lists the packages you need to get started developing a MIDP game. The table also includes a URL that points to a starting location for each of the technologies. Use your Web browser to navigate to the appropriate page, and then follow the links to the appropriate download. For the MIDP download, you want the RI (Reference Implementation).

Table 4.1. Basic Development Tools



Web Site

JDK (Java Development KitJ2SE SDK)

Version 1.4.2

MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile)

Version 1.0.3



Whenever Sun develops a new platform they'll often develop an implementation that serves as a demonstration of exactly how the system should perform. The MIDP RI includes all the tools and class files you'll need to develop for the platform.

I recommend you download the latest in the release 1.0.x series of the MIDP. Although later versions are available, for now you need to focus on the first-generation MIDP implementations, which make up the bulk of the current market.



Knowing how game programmers are, I suspect you've already checked out the features of MIDP 2. I also know you can't wait to get going with those extra features, such as transparent images, advanced sound, and image array manipulation. I'm going to ask you to be patient. Trust me; nothing you learn on the road to developing great MIDP 1 games is going to be redundant in MIDP 2. You'll just have even more with which to work. You'll get to MIDP 2 in Chapter 19, "CLDC 1.1 and MIDP 2.0."

Using the URLs in Table 4.1, navigate to the Sun Web site and download the latest appropriate versions for each tool.

    Table of ContentsChapter 4.            The Development EnvironmentInstalling the Software